Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life Is Eternal ??

I have been thinking about several issues - my health, Noah, My Mom, Jerry, strife around me and about my beliefs that life is eternal. How can life be eternal? The obvious answer is and always will be through Jesus Christ, but I was thinking on a even more personal level. It did not seem logical to me and then the light bulb finally went off and what a surprise to me - I already knew the answer. Life is eternal through love. We can lose our bodies and even our memories but our love lives on through those we love. My love for my family is eternal and I am sure of that because I feel my mother's love every day even after more than 10 years of death. I think of her advice, fun times & even times she made me so mad but her love was there no matter what she thought of my actions. Mark is the same way - an unconditional love like the love of a child or the love of the Savior. I know life is eternal because of unconditional love.
Thanks to all who have and will show me unconditional love & thus making my life eternal.


Shalene said...

Leah loves all the new pictures. She misses you tons. Just checking in. Thanks for the inspiring post.


Jean said...

You are is definitely eternal! I am so thankful for my eternal family and that we all in our extended family have unconditional love for one another. I am thankful for your unconditional love of me and my family! I love you!