Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 CHRISTMAS with 2010 sneaking in behind...

Well, Christmas is over and it was sad to redecorate while at the same time nice to get organized again. A place for everything & everything in it's place :) I like order - less anxiety, less worry...I hope in 2010 to learn to go with the flow more & require less order. It sounds odd but a lack of order for me can ruin a great time wondering why it is disorganized (I used to call that spontaneity).

It was a different Christmas for us as the kids staggered out their visits but was actually cool to have more time to visit & really talk to adult & grandchild. 1st came Dale, Shalene, Rebekah, & Leah with Echo & Oscar. Echo & Oscar were very well behaved and easy to forget they were here. Leah has become a real chatterbox (what not to love) and very informative. She is just a hoot to talk to & full of stories & will correct you during the story. So like Dale at that age, it makes us smile just watching her. Rebekah is very smart & loves to share that knowledge, i.e. Mark was drinking diet tangerine drink & Rebekah said they had to drink their water 1st before a sugary drink. So Mark explained there was no sugar in it, so she said well at least it had no sugar but it was still soda and should be water. Out of the mouth of babes come great truths. Shalene has been busy working out & getting very buff (skinny to me) and working to help support the family while Dale is in school. Add this to her music performances and running behind 2 girls & 2 dogs and she stays busy, busy, busy. It will all pay off for their family when Dale finishes his MBA & can do my taxes {wait I do not think that was the purpose of his school :) }. Dale is having a good drive for some of his classes but had a great semester & good grades at end. He works some part time but it looking for work closer to degree. He adores his family & it shows in their treatment of each other.
They arrived on the eve of Christmas Eve & stayed through Sunday evening. We all had a huge Christmas dinner Sunday before they left. The families have grown so much it is hard for everyone to stay at once.

On Sunday morning Stacey, Richard, Dallin, Parker, & Gretchen & Charly arrived for a weeks stay. So Sunday allowed family time together. 9-10 hours is a long time in a car with 3 kids & a dog. We went to the movies & ate enough popcorn for all of 2010, well at least Parker, Mark & I did. We learned a new game they gave Mark called Wits & Wagers - how is your history, geography, music & etc plus how confidant are you in your answer. Lots of fun was had playing Wii & snuggling on couch. One of my many cool gifts was that Stacey & the kids went grocery shopping on Monday morning & planned, bought, cooked & served the meals all week. Wow! it was great as I hate to cook....well really I hate to plan the meals. It was said to see them leave but in 10 days I fly our to stay a few days with them (another gift). Richard worked on a large national account he just landed while we all had fun & joined in when we went places including the NC History Museum to catch the pirate exhibit before it closed & then to Krispy Kreme for donuts & milk. (Have I mentioned I am lactose intolerant? ... oh well they were good in the beginning). It was great fun & I look forward to my visit (flying not driving 10 hours) and then Parker & Dallin will come for 2 weeks in the summer.

Dare gave the best gift... the gift of life to our last grandson, Evan Jacob. He is beautiful but an early delivery kept us all apart more than we wanted. That stinky old cold & flu season..... every time I plan to see him I have imaginary illnesses - does my throat hurt, do I have a cough, is it sinuses or am I getting sick? At this rate he will be a doctor & can tell me if I am sick before I get to see him. The twins & Hudson were so excited about Christmas & their cousins loved seeing them here. Lots of noise, smiles & love came with them. We are thrilled they live close enough to see them grow up.

Out of children but I had a special guest too... NO not Santa (I was bad all year).
My Dad & Sandra came over for Christmas dinner & we had 4 generations talking & laughing at each other. Dad & I discussed my favorite Christmas & birthday gifts. My love of school, books, & things I did not know he even knew about me. I was thrilled to see the grandchildren play with their great grandfather. How I missed Mom but Sandra invited me to come get some of her ROAD TRIP! Glad Sandra got a new job & is taking good care of Dad.

Mark & I bought small gifts for the grandchildren (all 9 of them) but sadly that was it. This is the 1st Christmas we bought no gifts for the children or ourselves. I hope they feel like I do that the gifts were the love, time & laughter shared.
I got great gifts that I loved & could see the thought that went into them but the smiles and hugs meant more than I can say. Christmas really is about family & I have a great family that became a great Christmas too!

A few photos for smiles.


ELIZEM said...

I'm glad u had such a great christmas!!! Family is always fun to be around and will fovever be the best christmas gift anyone can give! Hope to c u soon (drivers lisenses come in handy u know lol :]) oh....and......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jean said...

So glad you had a great Christmas with your family....what a great way to start the new year off..Happy New Year!! :) I love you!