Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring has sprung!!

Wow! Spring sprung into a temporary summer - highs in low 90s or high 80s. What is going on & no it is not global warming but just a weather front moving through. It has been a nice change but I say enough already. I love Spring except the thick yellow pollen. The pollen is so thick I stood laughing in the doctor's parking lot. All these really nice cars many shiny black ones, are covered with pollen. I mean so thick they will need their windshield wipers to be able to see out of their windshield. Imagine coming out of work & seeing your nicely washed (& often garaged) car covered like that - yes, the parking lot is surrounded by pine trees. Those of us with allergies are suffering so our cars are the least of our problems. I can even see if anyone steps on my porch because the pollen is so thick. We are all in shorts & loving the temperatures after a cold, snowy, rainy winter.

Spring brings the sound of lawn mowers, the eating outside, & for Mark & I x-rays for torn ligaments, bad rotary cups & backs. No sailing due to health problems beyond our control. :-C The shot in his shoulder seems to have helped the pain considerably.

Easter brought Dare, Ryan, Elijah, Owen, Hudson, & Evan over for dinner & the egg hunt. The Peed family has grown enough that when they come over we feel like we are not alone. The boys are growing fast & are so funny these days. Evan has learned to ignore the boys when they are being crazy. The twins have mastered several Wii games.
Hudson is a big eater & makes Grammer feel like a good cook. He has Papa in his pocket for sure.

Our little Leah turned 4 yr old & while we sent a gift we did not get to see her. My back makes it almost impossible to ride these days. We sent her a cute "green" van with people - when you honk the horn it says things like "recycle" & etc. Perfect for Asheville & their green life style. She is down in Florida visiting her other grandparents. Parker has a birthday this month too (at the end).

Spring is here & we are happy to see it. We brace for cool weather again as we know it will come but will enjoy the heat until then. We look forward to the delivery of the Ford Flex - It has a 17th May delivery date. If my back will heal then we will be free to travel again. The Jeep has long since topped 260,000 miles on it. Not really a travel vehicle ;)

1 comment:

Jean said...

I am ready for spring too! Jeff is ready to put all our plants in the ground that he has been nurturing and hopefully our garden will be a good one this year!! We love the warm weather and are looking for bright days ahead!!! I hope y'alls health problems don't keep you from doing things you love!!