Monday, June 15, 2009

8-1/2 HOURS

8-1/2 hours - But who is counting??? I am! We went down to the boat this weekend - between the heat, & my broken tailbone we did not get to sail, but it was a good weekend. OK maybe good is not the right word - it was great. I slept for 8-1/2 hours straight. Between the gentle rock of the boat, the sound of the rain & the sound of the lapping of the water on shore, add a sleeping pill & pain pill and I was out like a light. I read 2 pages in my book before I was gone. I have not slept 3 hours straight in the last 18 months so it felt wonderful.

It was Summer Festival in Washington weekend, so we went down to the waterfront & looked at some cool but overpriced vendors (no problem as I did not need any of the stuff), listened to the band, watch the young (or crazy) people ride the carnival rides, planned to eat a funnel cake but got sidetracked by the free entertainment. The different law enforcement agencies ticketing & arresting the many drunks out driving in boats. Part of the festival is a boat parade where you drive by the waterfront one after another - this is like a feeding frenzy for the law enforcement. Check out my photos of the event - they include the Beaufort County Sheriff Department's Fountain boat, yes a Fountain boat. No outrunning them - this $400,000 boat was donated by Fountain (pretty classy of them). It was the US Coast Guard - they look like they have a tugboat but I guess they could call in planes, boats & whatever they needed. My favorite was Parker's Wildlife Officer - I took it for Parker to see, Washington had it police department boat too. I think they all found a way to balance their budgets. In one photo all 4 have some they are writing tickets for or arresting.
Mark & I were laughing so hard - drunks are so dumb. We could hear alot them & see them all - I thought they were going to fall in - they could not touch their noses or follow his finger with their eyes but explaining they were not drunk the whole time. Some did not know you could not drive a boat drunk - well duh! I do not want to be run over by a drunk. There were 8 women on a 16ft boat (over the limit for safety) who were so drunk they all sat on the same side of the boat - there had their knees in the water. I thought they were going to swamp the boat. Mark thought he was going to have to jump in to rescue them but instead they decided to go for a ride in the boat. They were so drunk they would stand & fall on top of each other while trying to toast the people on shore & singing the Love Boat theme. hahaha! Maybe you had to be there. We watched for 2 hours & I forgot about my funnel cake. That takes a lot. Ended with a super fireworks display. For a small town, the Summer Festival is a huge event. Come go with us next year!

We went back to the boat played poker - I fleeced Mark out of $1.32 (hey that is all the coins we had). No worry, I gave it back & we picked up chips at Dollar Tree - no money but you get to win. He fleeced me the next night - we are evenly matched in any game. Friday will be our 36th anniversary, so I guess we just know each other too well.

Saturday was our mistake - we rode to New Bern. We lived there when Dale was born & I had heard how it had grown. Wow - it has grown. We rode by our old homes & then back. The mistake was riding that long on a broken tailbone. It caused such pain that I called an end to the weekend. Well after eating at Mayflower- yummy flounder. We always split a meal as they serve way too much food. Had a great waitress so I told her manager what a good waitress she was. Usually I just complain. It was a fun weekend - lots of chatting, restful, fun, met some really nice boat owners in our marina & opportunity to laugh at complete idiots too & even got a little work on the boat done (very little for me). Mostly undivided attention of the love of my life - no tv, no phone, no computer - I loved it. Does it get better than that?? We are thinking sailing away to a small island. Nothing is more restful that being rocked to sleep - no wonder babies stop crying when you rock them.

Today, reality reappeared. I got my 2nd X-ray & painful exam. If you press once & ask the patient "Does that hurt?" & the patient gasps & says yes. Why repeat it 6-7 times. I did at least get stronger pain medicine to help me sleep & ride - no driving while taking it. I argued with my insurance company & then apologized for no reason other than she could not change their policies. Side note - why can an insurance company their size have a web page that is user friendly. I know 16 yr old that could design a better site. I did get a short visit from Dare,Ryan, E&O, & Hudson since I was not up to our usual dinner. I had a bowl of Cocoa Crispies for dinner - no standing needed. The drive to the doctors was all the movement I was up to today.

Check the photos - 8-1/2 hours changes your outlook but seeing others being completely stupid makes he feel better & smile. ;)


Jean said...

I am so glad that you had a good weekend with Mark and you were able to get a full 8 hours of sleep. It does wonders for your mental outlook...I know it does mine! I'm also glad you got some stronger pain medicine that helps with your poor broken tailbone! So I guess your silver linings are 8 1/2 hours straight sleep, some great uninterrupted alone time with your sweetheart and better pain meds to help deal with your broken tailbone....they are always there, we just have to look for them! I love you!!!

Stacey said...

The boat festival looked like fun. You guys make sure that boat and some wind is ready for the D-Man's visit.

I hope your fanny bone starts feeling better soon! Glad to hear you both had a nice relaxing weekend. You deserve it.

I love you!

Jerr Dunlap said...

Glad you had fun on your boat! I don't know why but lakes seem to attract the worst of the drunk boaters. By the way, I stopped by here from our interest in sailing. Best wishes with your health.
- Jerr