Sunday, September 13, 2009

Making New Friends - Sometimes you have to be CREATIVE!

Mark & I have been talking for a while about ways to meet new people. Our families have grown up & we rarely get to spend time with them, so we decided to look into ways to mingle with others. Church for older couples is basically a Sunday meeting, so we are looking elsewhere. I am looking into Bridge lessons at the city, quilting for the hospital babies, even a yoga for older people if I can get the age limit waved (I am too young - finally for something I am too young). But still we want things we can do together - sailing is great but a long drive & the weather has to be almost perfect in wind & temperature because of health reasons. So we started going to shag music concerts & learning to shag but still it is hard to shag dance & talk to others.
So we finally found a fun group of people who get together & play Texas Hold Em poker. No betting allowed, no smoking allowed (yeah, I can breathe) - it is all on points system- if you place in the top 3 in the area you get a trip to the real Texas Hold Em Tournament. No chance of that but we can refuse the trip as we have no money to bet & do not bet. We decided since members play hearts, pinnole, solitary & other face card games, no bets no issue. As you know I am very competitive & Mark is competitive too. Mostly men but a few ladies play & the sisterhood to beat the men is strong- haha!
You have to be 18 to play & 21 to go to Las Vegas. About 65% is over 40 yrs old with
about 1/3 of those being over 55 yrs old. Now keep it mind this is a 7 card poker game and their are sharks & fishes - I am the fish food. I know very little about this game but watching those nuts on tv. New game, lots of little rules and 50-80 people playing at a time at tables of 10 people. Everyone starts with the same number of chips & you are off trying to stay away from the sharks.

The 1st night, I forgot to take my anxiety medicine that my hands were shaking so bad that the nice guy beside me would stack my chips & shuffle the cards for me. He was about 35-ish so I think I reminded him of his mother :) When we condensed tables, a really nice girl took over for him. I jumped in slow & all was going well until I went all in (bet all my chips) on a great straight. I was so excited until the really nice guy who had been helping said the words every player dreads - "No, you have no 9" I had looked at my cards wrong & I was out & felt stupid until everyone at the table said don't worry we have all done it. Some told the funniest stories on their experiences - I still lost but they were so nice to me. When Mark got out we ate & watched the others play. They are held at various restaurants, pubs, & game places. The food is great.
2nd night - No mistake tonight of forgetting my anxiety medicine (the testing has made my shaking much worse) I identified myself as fish food but was thrilled to finish 17 out 70. I got ranked with points - woo hoo! Mark & I only played at same table a few hands before he got sent to fill another table. So I do not know when he went out of game.
3rd night - Mark & I decided to play at the same table as there were 70 people in the game - it is hard to play against your husband. I hate to take his chips & it is hard for us to bluff each other as we know each other too well. He had a killer straight went all end & the guy drew 4 of a kind to beat him. Stunned the whole group. We continued the play & every time 10 people are out, we condense tables. I was so excited to be in the top 20 again but at a table with sharks with HUGE teeth (the leaders in NC) I have that kind of luck. I got down to 6 chips a few times but they see a nice little old woman who looks confused alot. Mistake, BIG mistake. When we got down to the last 10 people I wanted to make top 5 but had 1/10 of everyone else's chips but I am competitive, so I finished 2nd against the #4 player in the state. I might have won but the crowd gathered around my end of the table trying to figure out how I managed the top 20 in only 3 plays. They told Mark it was because I was good - I think it is because I had no expectation to win at all. But the crowd got the best of my nerves & anxiety and a much better player than me won. Oh well, big points for #2 rank out of 70.

Well I am moving up the ranking fast or at least until we play again. I told Mark that is the most times I have ever had my hand shaken & told good job. Then we played a game of pool & ate nachos on the restaurant for being 2nd. I like the game, I like the no smoking, I like the no swearing or berating other players but mostly I like how many really nice polite people I have met and I like spending time & being encouraged by my loving husband.
Mark loves the game & I enjoy not watching tv or playing games by myself on the computer. I really enjoyed not thinking of medical test or doctors or anything except trying to keep up with the fast game occurring in front of me. My health has pulled me out of most activities I can do - no heat, no exercising, no dairy, no spicy foods, no Dr Pepper, no BCs & blah, blah, but this one fits my health. I doubt I will every make it to #2 again but it happened & it says so on a national computer site - haha! And Mark was not only more nervous than I was (he was pacing) but he was so proud that I overcame my fears and did so well. We will never place high because the real shark players play 6-7 times a week at different pubs, restaurants, & game places - we are not looking for that much involvement & will not play at smoking venues.

We are still looking at other options to meet people with like interest & standards but the rules of this tournament forces at least like actions (standards) or they get evicted. To be honest, I do not want to bring them home & be life long friends - the church & my family gives me those people in my life. So who knew - Jewel - the card shark of the day. LOL


Jean said...

Remind me not to play cards with you...hehe...

myglorydays said...

You are safe lightening never strikes three times in the same place - haha! These guys were so much better that they overlooked me but I will not get that lucky again. Good poker players esp. good men poker players are not amused to lose to me ( or get pulled against by others). I watch & start with the weakest table of players so I can enjoy it. These were just crazy times. haha! I wanted dinner 1-1/2 hrs into the tournament thinking I would be long gone.

Stacey said...

I'm glad to hear that you 2 found something fun and laidback to do. What a creative way to chat with some new folks. Sounds like fun!

I like to play games of all kinds and can get competitive about it, but I like the nice competitive players. Which it sounds like you all have found. :)